Learn from the world’s most influential concept-artists of the game and film industry. They’ll teach you the techniques and mindset you’ll need to succeed
Architecture Design, Art Direction, Design
Terraform Art Director - Head of Concept Art at New3dge
Paris, France
Character Design
Freelance Concept Artist
Antwerp, Belgium
Environment Design, Shape Language
Freelance concept artist
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Freelance Artist
Sr concept designer
Annecy, France
Character Design, Design
Concept Designer
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Environment Design
Visual Development Artist / Concept Art
Berlin , Germany
Creative director @ Chromatic.Studio
Concept artist
Leamington Spa, United Kingdom
Blender, Environment Design, Keyframes
Concept Artist
Nuremberg, Germany
concept artist / visual Dev
Design, Zbrush
Designer - Ubisoft, Netflix, Riot Games, Focus, Renault
Art Direction, Environment Design, Keyframes, Storytelling
Supervising Art Director at Industrial Light & Magic London
London, United Kingdom
Art Direction, Character Art
Freelance artist
Berlin, Germany
Character Design, Character Painting
Art Director, concept artist @DONTNOD
Art Direction, Keyframes, Storytelling
Concept Artist / Art Director, Lucasfilm
Concept Artist at Creative Assembly
Visual Development Artist
Lille, France
Senior Concept Artist @ Ubisoft Paris